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Your Distress Signal

The Core Theme is also often closely tied to a main distress signal that the body manifests when something is touching that deepest level of self-conflict.

The distress signal is like a flag the body is waving to get your attention. It's trying to say, "look here, this is important".


In the first example above, that person's distress signal was the sense of fatigue, while their Core Theme was the inevitability of death or devitalization. 

The fatigue is the physical reaction, or distress signal, triggered by the pessimistic belief in the Core theme.

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The distress signals are usually unique to each person. Some common distress signals are physical sensations of tension, pulling, accumulation, fullness, nausea, stuckness, pain, inflammation, numbness, emptiness, hollowness, paralysis, anxiety, anger, depression, or resignation.


People's bodies generally tend to stick to one or two general type of distress signal at a time.  In other words, a person who has a distress signal in the form of tensions and numbness will not also have a distress signal in the form of accumulations and fullness.  There's usually a primary or dominant distress signal.

If we don't notice the body's distress signal when it's a mild message, often, it will intensify with time, eventually forcing us to pay attention to it. On the other hand, when we tend to what the body is trying to get us to notice, the distress signal is no longer necessary and finds respite and ease. 

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