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Tropical Plants

About the Work

You are already wise and mystical, right now. You have the answers. I just help you calm down, and cut through your mental noise so you can hear yourself.


Have you ever had a sense about a situation that you feel in your body, but you can't put it into words?


​Well that vague sensation is your goldmine of wisdom! That feeling that we struggle to articulate, is a source of authentic, implicit knowing. Staying with that fuzzy sensation is where you can access symbols and visions and your unique surreal landscapes within. It's possible to draw on the wisdom contained in that state. My role is to help you access it.


Why would you want to access it?


Because the mind is fickle. You can logic yourself into one opinion, and then its opposite. You never know if you're just talking yourself into something. Bodily knowing is reliable and surprisingly consistent. 


In the same way that your body automatically starts to heal a cut, your body automatically gives you these vague feeling signals about everything. It's how bodies work. We just don't hear it.


These deep organic sensations have opinions. They know things. They protect you. They can lead you to pleasure and wellbeing. You don't have to call them forth. They just arise. But you CAN call them forth and you CAN tap into all the surreal richness contained in them.


I want you to learn to hear your body, trust it, rely on it, and let it reveal your best way forward. ​I'd like you to realise how it's always naturally pointing you towards greater coherence, peace, and enjoyment.​​

Below is the basic procedure for accessing your body's wisdom. 

It's part of each 1:1 Guided Session and the foundational skill behind all courses offered here.  

Click here if you're looking for a description of Energy Work sessions.

1. Relaxing into Trance

Bringing your Awareness to Your Body & the Light Trance State

We start by getting you to slow down, let go of the day, the worries, the spinning mind, the to-do list, the sense of urgency. You can't feel urgency, rushing, or worry and notice the subtle arisings of the Felt Sense at the same time.


If your mind is very active, it's difficult to sense the body. There is a greater risk of flying off into imaginary scenarios rather than authentic listening to the body. This step can last even 30 minutes because if one slows down enough, the body naturally speaks. 


Don't worry. There's nothing you need to do. I'll simply talk to you in a way that will make you feel very relaxed. When I notice that you're in a nearly light trance state, we'll move to the next step.

Image by Molly Blackbird

2. Noticing Vague Sensations

Contacting the Liminal Space

There are vague non-verbal sensations which are always arising within us, but we don't notice them. They are perceivable when you slow down and stop the mind from performing tasks.


These are neither strictly physical nor emotional, nor mental, but rather, a hybrid of these.


During a session, I help draw your attention to these sensations so you can find them, become more aware of them, and access this alternate experience of yourself. If you can maintain a specific kind of non-controlling openness to this and a gentle engagement, these sensations start to do things. 


I'll help you find the relationship to these sensations that will allow them to open up.


3. Entering The Somatic Reverie

Symbolising: Emergent Images, Words and Meaning

Only if you can remain very detached from outcomes, are willing to be surprised, and not know what will arise, in other words, a state of not knowing and non-controlling, the vague sensations start to transform.


They take on a life of their own and turn into something describable. At times, they can take on very vivid forms with full characters and stories. Other times, they remain vaguely shaped.


The story in the symbol isn't important. What matters is noticing it, allowing it, understanding it, relating to it in a bodily-satisfying way which brings inner ease, flow, and wellbeing, and energy, rather than living in an inner world of fear, resistance, tension, pain, conflict, and depletion.  



Common Obstacles

The more you want it, the more hurried you are to get "a message" from your depths, the less likely it is to come.  Instead, you'll set yourself up for false visions.

Even though it's really as easy as relaxing deeply, there are some hurdles to experiencing the fullness of this work. Below are the most common attitudes I encounter in clients that get in the way of the full experience. It's the most human thing on Earth to have these instincts. It's what normal waking life tells us to do. But they don't serve us in this other realm.​


1) Really wanting a vision or a message


2) Allowing imagination to substitute genuine arising


3) Wanting to mentally ascribe life significance and analyse visions


4) The instinct to interpret symbols with the mind


5) A sense of hurry, or impatience


6) The reflex to comfort something in pain


7) The desire to immediately interact with the visions


8) A desire to solve problems and "love" what is unloved


9) Being committed to the idea that one is receiving messages quickly without giving time to the phase of not knowing anything.​​​

How does Guiding Work?

​​Once we enter your inner world together, guiding feels like watching someone play a fantasy game. The guide can see what the client sees, the guide experiences what the client experiences, but the guide is not the player.  The client is the one exploring the world. The client has the controller. The client is in charge.


The client is in the game, but the guide has access to the next part of the map. Yet, the guide only makes suggestions, "maybe move left here," or, "perhaps you want to take a step back." It's like a co-pilot or wingman role. The client decides if they want to listen to the guide or not.

The Guide's Role is to help you in the following ways:

​​- Relax deeply

- Find the domain of your inner symbolic world

- Trust that it's ok to move even more slowly

- Have even more patience and kindness towards all of yourself, even the parts you don't like

- Release agendas, and the desire to "do it right"

- Not move towards any particular storyline or conclusion

- Learn to keep the mind in check and not let it take over the session

- Be okay with not knowing and not receiving

- Tease apart the difference between the grips of an imaginative scene and the emergent symbolisation of your own knowing

- Find the fruitful sensations that lead to your vital knowing

- Move through your own landscape

- Find safety in the face of seemingly dangerous scenarios or feelings

- Keep the visions from disappearing

- Stay in the altered state

- Bring you back from imagination takeovers

- Find a way for your body to feel heard and understood

- Notice the greater flow and ease that results, and not minimise it

- Integrate the experience into your daily life​ and mind, afterwards.

Why Work with a Guide?

Honestly, I'm a not a big proponent of working with guides. I think there's a real danger of people taking you to places that are not in your best interest, but rather, serve the interest of the guide. A guide can only take you as far as they themselves have travelled. I'm personally quite wary of the whole thing. I'm a big proponent of each person following their own inner wisdom.


That being said, if you find a good guide, in my opinion, it can be invaluable. They can act as an amplifier and a mirror. They amplify your sensations so you can clearly see or hear them.  They can hold you steady and help you feel safe within yourself to explore difficult or uncomfortable feelings. They help you breathe when things become scary. 


But as I see it, the guide should step out of the way as much as possible.  You have your own answers, which should emerge during the course of the work. The guide cannot know what those are. They are uniquely yours. 

Who Should Not Work With Me

If your heart is really in need of someone who can listen to your story and empathise with you, and give you a lot of kind and loving support, I am probably not the best practitioner for that need.  This is a role that a good Therapist can fulfil. 


My work, on the other hand, takes you to a place that is quite pre-verbal. In fact, during sessions, we are actively trying to loosen the grip of the mind so we can hear the body. Reducing the role of the mind, includes paying less attention to the story of the problem, whatever that may be.  In this work, we are trying to return to a more instinctual somatic guidance and a positive state of inner harmony, regardless of circumstances.  A strong need for someone to hear your story may not be fulfilled by this work.


I listen to you very deeply, but not on the level of the story. I'm listening to your symbols, your emerging sensations, I'm listening for the formation of your inner landscape, your subconscious messages coming through to the surface. I'm listening to the cadence of your tone for hints of the underworld.  It's a different kind of listening.


Of course, everyone has a story about their discomfort. I'm not saying that we should deny that and not talk about things. Telling the story is an important part of the healing journey.  But there also comes a time when you feel that you might be ready to let that go. That's a really good time to come see me. 


What are the Benefits?

Why are we doing this?

​​​I like doing this work because it brings us to the boundary zone where we can hear our own inner wisdom most clearly, as it arises freshly in the moment. It's where we are not fixed and crystallised or a looping mental construct. There's natural movement, so we can get unstuck.


Here are some benefits I've seen time and time again:


  • Longstanding emotional pain that feels very physical can transform in the body.​


  • Trauma loosens its grip. It is no longer frozen in place. There is wiggle room for change.


  • A confidence develops in your own wisdom so you don't need to seek advice or approval from others to be okay.


  • It gives a unique, felt kind of clarity about things.


  • You can more easily feel what's good for you and what is not.


  • You can make deep peace with all parts of yourself.


  • You develop greater resilience, as you have a place to come back to when you get knocked down.​


  • You build a genuine core of inner strength and flexibility from which to move through life.


  • You can be more okay with not knowing and imperfection and our general humanity. You can be softer.


  • You feel more sexy and sensual, and beautiful as you move from a body awareness.


  • You become less needy of others as you can return to yourself.


  • You worry less about your circumstances in the world and more about your inner harmony regardless of circumstances.



This skill is like a muscle. You can work it out and train it to a high level of functioning to gain insight into all sorts of things - plants, animals, music, dance, creative endeavors in general, scientific & mathematical insight, spiritual pursuits. It adds somatic wisdom or bodily knowing dimension to anything else you're trying to do.​​​​​

** If you feel drawn to this work because you are looking to experience a whole range of mystical spiritual states, let me know. We can talk about those privately if you like. This facilitates those experiences too but there is more to it. The focal points and breathing, are different, for one. Just ask. 

Image by Nick Fewings

FYI, I am not a guru, I'm your wingman.

You are your own fountain of wisdom.

We are learning from each other.

I think it's really important to emphasise that while I "guide" folks through these altered states of consciousness, I'm not claiming to have the all the answers. I'm not trying to teach you about the right way to live life. I'm trying to help you hear your own guidance. I have my own struggles and challenges to face in this lifetime. Life teaches me. I grow. I evolve. I'm human.


What I do have, is a lot of experience entering and navigating in the inner world of others. Each client has a unique world and is a total surprise.  After many, many, years, I rarely get lost when wayfinding. I have a sensitivity that allows me to accompany you as you explore. I can hear what direction to go in that will likely bring you to your own fruitful knowing. It's a facility but also a skill. It can be taught.​


I learn about this world from my clients. No-one has written a guidebook to the various inner landscapes. My clients teach me what's possible. They contribute to my evolution, as I, hopefully, contribute to theirs.  


We are all shaping each other in this life, hopefully towards something better, but if an any point, I ask you to try something that doesn't feel quite right, I'll encourage you to let me know. I'm here to assist you on your path, not mine. Each person is unique and only your body knows where your treasure lies. Your body knows what's best for you.

Energy Work

Sometimes, we don't want to talk, we don't want to think, we don't want to learn a new skill, we just want someone to understand and take care of us.


At those times, I help clients by entering their fields from a distance, and taking a look to see what I see. ​ I listen to what your energetic system requests, and assist you to carry out those wishes. ​​​


As long as I can see your torso on a Zoom call, I can do this work. On your end, I will talk to you to help you relax and then you will take little nap as I work. Afterwards, I'll let you know when I'm done and we'll compare notes and discuss what they mean.


See my testimonials for what that feels like from the client's perspective.



© 2024 Carla Kreft ND LAc MSOM

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