My Top 6 Skills:
Joy On-Demand
Inner Awarenes
The Power of Play
Reframing Narrative
After 20 years of working with clients, these are 6 techniques I've found most useful to get through the most common life challenges, while you learn to fluidly hear your body's messages.
My Felt-Sense course explains the foundational steps for being able to sense bodily knowing. It gives me a chance to explain my initial methods in detail, so you can get the most benefit out of working with me 1:1.​
I teach these skills in person during retreats and workshops where you can have the added benefit of my sensing and personal attention. I'll be able to hear if the skill is landing and executing in an embodied way for you, or not. And I can help you bring it into your body if you need help with that. The longer you spend on these, the better you'll get at them.
You can catch me teaching these live at my next events or, as many of my clients prefer, you can invite me to teach at a private event, hosted in your preferred location. I love to travel!​
How to Find the Felt-Sense
Engaging the felt-sense is also the first step to entering altered states. This is my take on the Felt-Sense.

Your body speaks in vague sensations, colors, shapes, blurry, wispy, barely there somethings that arise when we relax and pay attention.
In this course, I'll teach you to access this threshold realm and how to differentiate between information that's coming from the mind versus the body.
Bliss On-Demand & Ecstatic Journaling
"Ecstatic Journaling TM" uses gratitude to create a state of wholebody bliss. Learn to call forth your joy.

Raise your level of joy at will. In this course we will use Ecstatic Journaling, which is a form of gratitude magnification, that launches you into a spiritual state of full-body bliss.
Once you've learned this skill you can use it an any time to lift your spirits and get on a positive path.
Using the Great Power of Play
Silliness & play, far from being frivolous are the quickest ways to break old patterns,flow, build community & experience joyful creativity.

Play is not a frivolous activity. The great natural joy and creativity that children are blessed with when they come to this world, is an enlightened state. As adults, we can become so serious that this rigidity shows up in the body and the thinking, but we can try to return to for joy, lightness, spontaneity, inspiration, and vitality. We can cultivate play.
How to Forgive
Learn to release the pain caused by a challenging experience or relationship with someone. Transform hurt. Be at peace.

This course combines elements of the studied Stanford University Forgiveness Protocol, "Ho'Oponopono" and Buddhist Metta (loving kindness) practices to release past hurts originating with someone else's actions.
There's no need to confront the other person. Forgiveness is principally for your internal peace and benefit.
Root in Self Love
For benefits of spiritual practice to persist & grow, they need a root or ordering principle of Self-Love in daily life.

All the spiritual techniques in the world won't give you peace in your daily life if you don't establish a baseline of love for yourself. You might be able to fly off into the void but you'll come back to instability without this core of love.
In this course I'll give you some pointers and prompts that will uncover your relationship to yourself and teach you how to deepen that into a palpable love.
Break the Grip of your Stories
Are you tired of telling your own story? in this course you'll learn how to shift the narrative. Change your mind. Think about all of it differently.

Who we think we are, is a story. The stories we tell about ourselves can either lift us up, and empower us, or pull us down. Sometimes we cling to our stories so strongly that there is no room for change. This is a course about rewriting our stories and loosening their grip on our minds and our very identities.
Get to Know Me.
Free Sample talk
This is not a course, but rather, a talk I gave for the Focusing Institute about the first step of Focusing called "Clearing a Space".
It's a little more technical and slower paced than how I teach, and there are pauses, as it was translated into Spanish, but you can at least get a feel for my general style. ​